Fermentvm Nigrvm Dei Sepvlti

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove

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Fermentvm Nigrvm Dei Sepvlti


Miracles, wonders, manifestations of heavenly favor: to the ales of the Abbey of St. Christopher have been attributed all these and more divine miracles. The abbey’s ales are celebrated far and wide, gossiped about from Ghent to Köln, and guzzled as much for pleasure as for their supposed curative powers.

You know well the modest inn that stands outside the abbey wall: you’ve guzzled those blessed beers in its taproom, counted ill-gotten coins in its rooms, tossed and turned through nightmares aplenty in its beds. But nothing can prepare you for the horrors that await when, late one night, you wake to find the church engulfed in flames, its bloodied brothers slaughtering one another, its steeple-bell above tolling for the dead, the dying, and for mercy from heaven above...

Ego sum fermentum vivus, qui de cælo descendi.

A strange stone, tumbling through the void of endless space and into the secret history of the world... the cursed legacy of a doomed witch’s family... a terrified abbot those desperate plea has gone ignored by Rome... a vile conspiracy of whispers, visions, and delusions among drunken, stumbling brothers... and a black secret, black as the bubbling foam that gushes forth from the ale-barrels and the corpses of the fallen alike...

Si quis biberit ex hoc cerevisia, vivet in æternum...

FERMENTVM NIGRVM DEI SEPVLTI (Black Yeast of the Buried God) is an adventure for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing and other traditional role-playing games.

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