The Bardess' Library #6
Legendary Games
The Bardess' Library #6
An Archive of Awesome Pathfinder Options!
The Bardess’ Library is an anthology of material from Margherita “Bardess” Tramontano, with fantastic expansions for your Pathfinder First Edition campaign! Every issue of the Library has a different theme. This month’s theme is Magic! Inside, you will find:
Heroes’ Legendarium: New class options for bards, magi, rogues, sorcerers, witches, and wizards!
- Register of Paragons: Archetypes for magi, wizards, oracles, and animal companions, in addition to two new arcane-themed oaths for paladins!
- Cento of Incredible Deeds: Metamagic feats.
- Canon of Mythology: Mythic arcane schools, spells, and feats.
- Folklore Tales: In “The End of the Story”, Pearl Buttercup learns the meaning of becoming friends with your heroes.
- The Sublime Grimoire: Spells, spells, spells!
- Encyclopedia of Everything: Magic items for arcane casters!
- Excellent Biographies: Character stats for a powerful wizard, Pearl Buttercup, in four instances (beginner/intermediate levels/high levels/maximum power)!
- Creatures’ Archive: Improved familiars!
- Catalog of the Spheres: New traditions for arcane casters!
Join Margherita's Bardess' Pathfinder Place Patreon to get brand-new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules and more coming to you three times per week plus other amazing benefits or just pick up this monthly magazine to get 34 pages of rules, creatures, treasures, magic, and more to Make Your Game Legendary!