Don't F*ck the Priest

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove


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Tags: Lamentations of the Flame Princess LotFP Shopify Collective The Dragons Trove

Don't F*ck the Priest

Boxed Set with 64 page A5-sized full color hardcover book with stitched binding, 55 card custom deck, two custom dice. Shrinkwrapped.

Writing by James Edward Raggi IV
Art by Charlie Gillespie
Layout and Cartography by Glynn Seal
Logo by Christopher Horst
Editing by Tom Cadorette

Filth, rot, decay, infection.

The smell of vomit, the goodwill of venereal disease, and the excitement of a terminal diagnosis.

Is that fluid from a putrefying corpse or an orgasmic discharge? Taste it and find out.

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