Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: Arcanist Enhanced Fantasy Horror Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters

Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters

These Monsters Have Class!

It Just Got Easier to Make an Encounter Harder! Whether it’s the shaman of a pack of lizardmen, a group of gnoll mystics from the blasted deserts of Ankhara, or a succubus temptress one step more dangerous than her sisters, sometimes you just need to spice up a monster! Just slapping the advanced template on a creature often isn’t very interesting, but actually adding levels of core and base classes to monster stat blocks is time consuming and math-intensive. The simple class templates in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex provided a fast and easy way to add the abilities of the core heroic classes to monsters, which is great when what you need is a monster with druid or rogue abilities, but that still leaves no quick way to create monstrous alchemists, antipaladins, oracles, samurai, and warpriests. Now, with the Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters, we've add simple class templates for the 21 alternate, base, and hybrid classes the original system left out. Each comes with fast and simple rules for adding class abilities to a monster, and a fully-written out, fully- illustrated example of what an antipaladin mohrg is like. Or a ninja rakshasa. Or a warpriest frost giant. Because when you need a nalfeshnee arcanist, you don’t have time to write it up from scratch.

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