Exceptional Items

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Equipment Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Treasure

Exceptional Items

Exceptional Items

Pages: 17
Illustrations: 7
Game System: OGL 3.5/Pathfinder

This file features more than 40 exceptional equipment items of alchemy and craftsmanship for your OGL game. Many of these items first appeared in the Heroes Handbook back in 2003 and have now been revised and updated. Some of these items have been developed exclusively for this release and are brand new.

Bottled Courage: For those times when your morale needs a little extra kick

Dragon Bane: Keeps the wyrms away! WARNING: DOES NOT WORK ON ALL DRAGONS

Mage’s Blend: Ever wonder what wizards are smoking in their pipes??

Mining Spikes: For blasting open doors and other barriers…

Noisemakers: Great for distracting foes and covering your own noise

Power Pills: These small blue pills do wonders for your magical potency!

Sleep Tablets: These pills contain 8 hours of sleep. Take just 1 and be wide awake until…

Plus 36 other innovative ideas to enhance your OGL game!

But Wait! There’s More!

Some of these alchemical substances aren’t safe to consume. Appendix 1 covers rules for substance dependency, addiction, and recovery.

And If That Wasn’t Enough…

Appendix 2 coves 8 debilitating conditions from Natures Wrath such as vomiting, depression, and spasms. 


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