Amazons vs Valkyries: Advanced Ancestries

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Races

Amazons vs Valkyries: Advanced Ancestries

The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…

A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Amazons vs Valkyries: Advanced Ancestries

Pages: 22
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

This file features 8 new advanced ancestries for players including:

  • Desert Dwarves: These miners are descended from Hephaestus and frequently found in Egypt

  • Gray Dwarves: Repulsive little metalworkers with a severe aversion to sunlight.

  • Light Elf: Angelic sorcerers and servants of the Vanir.

  • Fauns: Hedonistic and playful fairies who protect the wilderness from harm.

  • Giant Kin: Extra-dimensional giants with an affinity for earth, fire, or ice.

  • Marsh Gnome: Helpful and kind forest creatures who struggle against human expansion.

  • Savannah Gnome: These reclusive creatures dwell in deep burrows beneath the savannah.

  • Nymphs: Ageless maidens with supernatural beauty and a kinship with the gods.

With this supplement, players in the Amazons vs Valkyries Campaign Setting may choose from eight non-human ancestries. Your character may be a lumbering giant kin from Jotunheim, or a wild faun obsessed with partying and celebration. She may be a revolting dwarf-like thing with a twisted sense of humor, or she may be an angelic warrior with an allegiance to the Vanir.

Each of these advanced races is built with 20 racial points. Their powers, abilities and descriptions are drawn from the mythological source material, rather than modern fantasy fiction. These are magical creatures the way ancient people imagined them. Gray dwarves can be killed by sunlight, but they also have powerful spells. Light elves have a gliding ability and are skilled with light magic. Fauns are infamous for their debauchery and musical talents. And nymphs are truly magical creatures, immune to aging.

Pick this supplement up today and add some diversity to your mythic campaign!

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