The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Tarrasque

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: Fantasy Modern Monsters/Enemies Mutants & Masterminds Super-Hero

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Tarrasque

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters Tarrasque for Mutants & Masterminds is on the Rampage

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Tarrasque, a creature capable of incomparable devastation and destruction. Although it normally sleeps its days away, it can periodically awaken to rampage through whatever is nearby--including cities and the countryside. It is the ultimate opponent to throw at your group of super-heroes.

Who knows? Some may even survive.

This product includes game statistics for the tarrasque, as well as ideas regarding how to introduce it to your game.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

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