Double Team: Graveside VS Purgatory

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: Modern Monsters/Enemies Mutants & Masterminds Super-Hero

Double Team: Graveside VS Purgatory

Double Team: Graveside VS Purgatory Brings a Bit of Heaven and Hell to Your Game

Double Team: Graveside VS Purgatory provides two characters for your Super-Powered by Mutants & Masterminds games: the haunting mobster, Graveside, and a hero, God's own bounty hunter, Purgagory.

Graveside was killed by other mobsters in a location that led to him returning as a spirit. Not just able to float about ethereally, Graveside can possess corpses (and even the undead), granting them greater strength while doing so. This is not without a cost, however, as the process speeds along the host body's decomposition. This spirit is now driven to find a body that can house him without falling apart, and he will go to any lengths to find it.

Purgatory was destined for great and good things, but Evil interceded and drove his future off course. After a life of foul deeds, the man who would become Purgatory found himself in Hell before being freed by a host of angels. The cost of his freedom and redeeming his soul and destiny? Serving as Heaven's agent by hunting down souls that have escaped Hell and returning them from whence they came.

Licensing for Double Team: Graveside VS Purgatory

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

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