Mystic Marketplaces: Einjhall's Hall of Exotic Equipment

by Flying Pincushion Games

Flying Pincushion Games



Tags: GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Treasure

Mystic Marketplaces: Einjhall's Hall of Exotic Equipment

Mystic Marketplaces: Einjhall's Hall of Exotic Equipment

The goal of Mystic Market Places is to add an aura of mystery and enchantment back to shopping; a shopping experience that transcends the Walmart mentality that has infected some games.

Each installment will deliver interesting role-play worthy staff, a compelling local, adventure hooks, and of course unique wares. It is also where we introduce a patronage sub-system which enhances a GMs ability to make shopping an engaging and interesting encounter.

This installment by Richard Litzkow emphasizes the need to deal with situations with an even hand. Patronage and reputation can greatly benefit the PCs or ill advised behavior can turn a fine fine to sand.

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