Into The Breach: The Forgotten Classes

by Flying Pincushion Games

Flying Pincushion Games



Tags: Archetypes GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Into The Breach: The Forgotten Classes

Welcome to the Forgotten Classes, this book provides you with a modest selection of alternate classes and archetypes for the default set of NPC Classes.

But why do you want this? We here at The Flying Pincushion believe that the core NPC Classes need some pizzaz. Something to make them more appealing, not necessarily so strong as to compete with full classes, but for that step in between a full class and the generic Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert and Warrior.

In creating this book we drew upon medieval jobs and fantasy archetypes, the sort that exist just outside of the scope of full player characters (who are true archetypes of a skillset). We then tempered the NPC classes into things that we think will give GMs a reason to flesh out an NPC at this sub-core class power level. Finally we discussed whether we thought that in a low powered campaign setting whether we’d want to play any of these classes ourselves - and decided that’s a yes.

We suggest using these NPC classes are great pre-made characters for a one shot game, or as a way of having your players flesh out areas of your campaign setting with their exploits. Some of these classes make for great villains with odd powers and skills that the players won’t be expecting.

We start with the boxman is an archetype for the expert who specializes in all things related to locks, not quite like the more balanced rogue but an absolute genius within his field. The farm soldier is a warrior archetype, a militia man who uses farm equipment to defend his home in times of trouble and growing stronger with the loss of those close to him. The forester is a commoner archetype, commonly found in the employ of landed nobility and tending to tracks of wild land and deterring poachers. The hostler is a commoner archetype and specializes in the training of animals. The master craftsman is an expert archetype and fills the role of the specialist craftsman. The minstrel is an expert archetype as well and plays second fiddle to the bard - offering supporting acts and benefits for those more proficient in the limelight. The nun is an adept archetype who offers sage teaching to those working on a difficult skill and highly proficient with healing. The coven sworn is an aristocrat archetype who fills the role of the kidnapped noble raised by witches to be their puppet. The deep jungle flesh-hunter is a warrior archetype, a cannibal wildman skilled with poisons and ambush. The deep jungle shaman of the flesh is an adept archetype who gains mystic power from consuming the heart and brains of slain foe. The noble wastrel is an aristocrat archetype of a decadent noble who grows more charismatic the more intoxicated he is. The caller is an adept archetype and could be described as a golemancer, someone who breathes life into inert elements and animates them either to help their community or as a villainous figure. The siege sapper is a warrior archetype, a commander of warmachine and siege tactics vital to any army. The tax assessor is an aristocrat archetype, a tax collector who always gets their dues. The urchin is a commoner archetype and what every orphaned rogue was at one point, rabble taking advantage of large crowds and quick hands, hoping to get noticed and recruited by a thieves guild. The way trader is an expert alternate class, and is the master merchant, skilled at sneaking in blackmarket goods and getting the best deal. The vicar; an archetype for the adept who inspires others.

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