by Total Party Kill Games

Total Party Kill Games



Tags: Adventure Fantasy Megabundle Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition


This MEGA BUNDLE from TPK Games includes EVERY PRODUCT THEY'VE EVER RELEASED up until June 2017!

The normal retail price for all of these if purchased separately would be over $300 but for this month only are available for just $29.99!

Title Retail Price
Altered Beasts: Gnolls, Vol. I $ 4.99
Dwellers in Dream: Five Fey-themed Player Races - Pathfinder $ 9.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Alcohol Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Celestial Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Infernal Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Orc Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Story Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Undead Feats $ 1.99
Feats of Legend: 20 Warpriest Feats $ 2.99
Feats of Legend: 30 Fey Feats $ 2.99
Feats Reforged 3: Feats of Combat $ 5.99
Feats Reforged IV: The Magic Feats $ 4.99
Feats Reforged Vol. 2: The Advanced Feats $ 5.99
Feats Reforged, Vol. 1 $ 5.99
Fifth Edition Feats $ 7.99
Fifth Edition Options $ 9.99
Grave Undertakings: The Ship of Fools $ 6.99
Infamous Adversaries: Ischadra, Grandmother of Assassins $ 2.99
Infamous Adversaries: Raxath'Viz, the Creeping Rot $ 2.99
Infamous Adversaries: Temerlyth the Undying $ 1.99
Infamous Adversaries: Urizen the Bleak Lord $ 2.99
Laying Waste: A Guide to Critical Combat $ 14.99
More Malcontent $ 3.99
Noble Cause, Bloodied Hands $ 9.99
Rawr! Volume I: Fear and Dread $ 2.49
Rawr! Volume II: Flame & Wrath $ 9.99
Recovery Dice Options $ 4.99
Scions of Stone: Six Original Gargoyle PC Races $ 9.99
Servants of Shadows: Five Necromancy-themed Races $ 9.99
Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge $ 9.99
The Barbarian Reforged $ 4.99
The Bleeding Hollow Deluxe Adventure $ 12.99
The Cleric Reforged $ 3.99
The Deductionist $ 4.79
The Demonologist Base Class $ 6.66
The Fen of the Five-Fold Maw $ 9.99
The Feybinder Class $ 6.99
The Malefactor Base Class $ 4.99
The Malefactor Class: Revised & Expanded $ 6.99
The Reaping Stone Deluxe Adventure $ 12.99
The Reaping Stone Deluxe Adventure Battlemaps $ 6.99
The Sinister Secrets of Silvermote $ 7.99
The Tomb of Caragthax $ 6.99
The Ultimate Gladiator $ 5.99
Wardens of the Wild $ 14.99
Normal Price $ 301.47
Limited Time Price $ 29.99
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