d20pfsrd.com Publishing Complete Collection
d20pfsrd.com Publishing
d20pfsrd.com Publishing Complete Collection

This bundle includes every product ever released by d20pfsrd.com Publishing in systems including Pathfinder 1e, Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder 1e, Dungeons & Dragons 5e, White Star, Swords & Wizardry (and more), as well as both player option books and adventures or just tips on running certain kinds of campaigns (such as Ultimate Evil guidelines on evil campaigns).
Full retail is over $400 ($420.13 for some reason?) but for a limited time you can get everything at once for one low price of $39.99. The download file for this product is over 740 mb in size so may take some time to complete downloading depending on your internet connection.
Complete Details
Product Name |
Rule System | Summary | Normal Retail | File Name |
5-for-5e Book 1: 5 Magic Items for 5th Edition | 5e | The 5-for-5e series presents five new things for the 5th Edition of the world's oldest and most well-known fantasy roleplaying game. This issue presents 5 new magic items, each with a unique background and interesting effects. | $1.95 | 5-for-5e Magic Items.pdf |
5-for-5e Book 2: 5 Backgrounds for 5th Edition | 5e | The 5-for-5e series presents five new things for the 5th Edition of the world's oldest and most well-known fantasy roleplaying game. This issue presents 5 new PC backgrounds. | $1.49 | 5-for-5e Backgrounds.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Magic Rings | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new magic rings costing under 1,000 gp as well as rules for flawed rings. |
$1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Magic Rings Book 1.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Magic Rings II | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new magic rings costing under 1,000 gp | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Magic Rings Book 2.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods | PF1e | This product includes one new spell and 48 new magical rods. | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Magic Staves | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new staves costing under 1,000 gp. | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Staves.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Magic Tattoos | PF1e | This product introduces new rules and feats that will enable the use of magic tattoos that cost under 1,000 gp | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Magic Tattoos.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Wands | PF1e | This product introduces new magic items priced for low-level PC purchasers! | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Wands.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Wondrous Item Sets | PF1e | This product introduces new wondrous items costing under 1,000 gp and which come in sets. | $1.95 | Affordable Arcana - Wondrous Item Sets.pdf |
Affordable Arcana - Wondrous Items | PF1e | This product offers new, affordable wondrous items for less wealthy PCs and NPCs! | $2.99 | Affordable Arcana - Wondrous Items.pdf |
Art of Magic - Heretical Pacts | 5e | This product brings you a host of new options for the 5th Edition warlock. | $2.99 | Art of Magic - Heretical Pacts.pdf |
Art of Magic - Melee and Magic | PF1e | This product brings you a variety of options across different cultures and traditions, adding a wealth of options to the magus class. |
$3.95 | Art of Magic - Melee and Magic.pdf |
Blood & Steel, Book 1 - The Fighter | PF1e | This product focuses on the FIGHTER. "The fighter's best friend is steel. Steel in his hands, used to end the lives of his foes, and steel on his back, protecting him from fang and claw of the monsters he faces." | $3.95 | Blood and Steel - Book 1 - The Fighter.pdf |
Blood & Steel, Book 2 - The Ninja | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new options for Ninja characters including 12 new archetypes, 12 new feats, a new weapon, 4 new pieces of equipment, a new vehicle, a new magic weapon, 6 new wondrous items, as well as many new character options for ninjas. | $3.95 | Blood and Steel - Book 2 - The Ninja.pdf |
Blood & Steel, Book 3 - The Cavalier | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new player options for the cavalier. | $3.95 | Blood and Steel - Book 3 - The Cavalier.pdf |
Blood & Steel, Book 4 - The Monk | PF1e | This product introduces tons of new options for monks. | $4.95 | Blood and Steel - Book 4 - The Monk.pdf |
Blood & Steel, Book 5: The Swashbuckler | PF1e | This product focuses on the Swashbuckler. | $4.95 | Blood and Steel - Book 5 - The Swashbuckler.pdf |
Blood and Broomsticks | PF1e | Whether plane hopping through multiple dimensions hoping to survive another day, hunting diseased wererats in an underground sewer, or just blasting orc formations to smithereens with large amounts of fire, magic always makes a difference. Timing, spell selection, and variation of magic matter as much as thoughtful application and creative use. | $3.95 | Blood and Broomsticks.pdf |
Call of the Wild, Book 1 - The Druid | PF1e | This product focuses on wilderness oriented classes, this one focuses on the Druid. | $1.95 | Call of the Wild Book 1-The Druid.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons | PF1e | This product introduces "multi-variable" spells to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. This book includes 19 pages of 0-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 1.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 10: 9th-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 9 left off! This book includes 32 pages of 9th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $3.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 10.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 1 left off! This book includes 80 pages of 1st-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 2.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 3: 2nd-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 1 and 2 left off! This book includes 121 pages of 2nd-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 3.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 4: 3rd-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 3 left off! This book includes 114 pages of 3rd-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 4.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 5: 4th-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 4 left off! This book includes 113 pages of 4th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 5.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 6: 5th-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 5 left off! This book includes 91 pages of 5th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 6.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 7: 6th-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 6 left off! This book includes 81 pages of 6th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $7.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 7.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 8: 7th-Level Spells | PF1e | This product continues where volume 7 left off! This book includes 56 pages of 7th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! | $5.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 8.pdf |
Compendium Arcanum Volume 9: 8th-Level Spells | PF1e |
This product continues where volume 8 left off! This book includes 55 pages of 8th-Level spells for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, now with Heightened and Diminished effects! |
$5.95 | Compendium Arcanum Volume 9.pdf |
Eldryn (5e) | 5e | This product introduces a new player race that is a cross between elves and dryads. | $4.99 | Eldryn 5e.pdf |
Eldryn (PF1) | PF1e | This product introduces a new player race that is a cross between elves and dryads. | $2.99 | Eldryn PF1.pdf |
Eldryn (PF2) | PF2e | This product introduces a new player race that is a cross between elves and dryads. | $2.99 | Eldryn PF2.pdf |
Event Horizon | White Star | This product is a first-level adventure for White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying. | $6.99 | Event Horizon White Star Adventure.pdf |
Forces of Nature, Book 1 - The Druid (5e) | 5e | This product focuses on wilderness oriented classes, this one focuses on the Druid. | $4.95 | Forces of Nature Book 1 Druids.pdf |
Goldenrod Guide: A Guide to Swords & Wizardry Combat | Swords & Wizardry | This product is a toolbox of variant rules and ideas for you to use in your Swords & Wizardry game! |
$2.95 | Goldenrod Guide to Combat for Swords and Wizardry.pdf |
Into The Breach: The Magus | PF1e | This product expands options for the magus class. |
$3.95 | Into the Breach - The Magus.pdf |
Into The Breach: The Summoner | PF1e | This product expands options for summoner. | $3.95 | Into the Breach - The Summoner.pdf |
It's a Trap! Haunts, Hazards, and Traps | PF2e | This product adds new haunts, hazards, and for your Pathfinder 2nd Edition game. |
$4.99 | Its A Trap - Haunts, Hazards, and Traps for PF2.pdf |
Journals of Dread Book 1: Secrets of the Oozes | PF1e | This product brings a new sense of fear and respect to oozes. | $5.95 | Journals of Dread Vol 1 - Secrets of the Oozes.pdf |
Journals of Dread Book 2: Secrets of the Skeleton | PF1e | This product brings a new sense of fear and respect to skeletons. | $8.95 | Journals of Dread Vol 2 - Secrets of the Skeleton.pdf |
Manifest Destiny, Book 1 - Domains & Devotions | PF1e | This product brings new domain and devotion options to Pathfinder 1e clerics, oracles, & inquisitors. | $3.95 | Manifest Destiny - Book 1 - Domains & Devotions.pdf |
Manifest Destiny, Book 2 - Cults & Clergy | PF1e | This product brings new cults and clerical options to your Pathfinder 1e game. | $3.95 | Manifest Destiny - Book 2 - Cults & Clergy.pdf |
Masters of the Occult: Play Manga d20 | Play Manga d20 | Welcome to the strange and forbidden world of occult magics. It is a world that holds great power and wonder, if your mind is strong enough and attuned to its weird energies. This is a realm of phantoms and dreams that tentatively touches our own reality, a spirit land that can easily drive the most steadfast insane. For the masters of the occult, this realm of apparitions offers boundless magical energy and untold opportunity. | $9.99 | Play Manga d20 - Fantasy Expansion.pdf |
Mind over Matter: Psion and Soulknife | PF1e | Mind Over Matter focuses directly on the wildly popular psionics rules by Dreamscarred Press. The series brings you new archetypes, psionic powers, feats, and more for psionics-wielding characters. | $5.99 | Mind over Matter Book 1 - Psion and Soulknife.pdf |
Mind over Matter: Psychic Warrior, Aegis & Vitalist | PF1e |
Mind Over Matter provides new psionics options including new archetypes, psionic powers, feats, and more for psionics-wielding characters. |
$2.95 | Mind over Matter Book 2 - Psychic Warrior, Vitalist and Aegist.pdf |
Monstrous Codex: Troops | PF1e | Brought to prominence in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6, troops allow for groups of creatures to be treated like a single foe, similar to swarms. They allow low-CR creatures such as kobolds or zombies to pose a much greater threat than they might if each monster was treated as an individual, or for new threats for higher-level opponents. | $2.95 | Monstrous Codex - Troops.pdf |
Open Gaming Monthly #1 | Various | Open Gaming Monthly is your Premier source for all NEW content, articles, and news for your favorite Open Gaming Systems, including the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swords & Wizardry, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. | $4.95 | Open Gaming Monthly 1.pdf |
Open Gaming Monthly #2 | Various | Open Gaming Monthly is your Premier source for all NEW content, articles, and news for your favorite Open Gaming Systems, including the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swords & Wizardry, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. | $4.95 | Open Gaming Monthly 2.pdf |
Open Gaming Monthly #3 | Various | Open Gaming Monthly is your Premier source for all NEW content, articles, and news for your favorite Open Gaming Systems, including the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swords & Wizardry, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. | $4.95 | Open Gaming Monthly 3.pdf |
Open Gaming Monthly #4 | Various | Open Gaming Monthly is your Premier source for all NEW content, articles, and news for your favorite Open Gaming Systems, including the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swords & Wizardry, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. | $4.95 | Open Gaming Monthly 4.pdf |
Open Gaming Monthly #5 | Various | Open Gaming Monthly is your Premier source for all NEW content, articles, and news for your favorite Open Gaming Systems, including the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swords & Wizardry, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. | $4.95 | Open Gaming Monthly 5.pdf |
Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options | PF1e | In addition to presenting the basic Pact Magic rules necessary to use the new content provided this product introduces three new spirits, three new archetypes, five new organizations, and one new feat designed for use with the base Pact Magic rules created by Radiance House. | $4.95 | Pacts and Pawns.pdf |
Play Manga d20 - Fantasy Expansion | Play Manga d20 | Fantasy Manga d20 Expanded is an anime roleplaying expansion for Play Manga d20 and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game®. Push into new realms as a member of the angel, demon, or dragon races. Base class options, the swashbuckler, and the new dragon class demonstrate how to find new ways to adventure through dungeons, kingdoms, and planes. New attributes, feats, and other choices offer both a freeform way to build characters and a balanced way of arranging abilities when composing custom races and classes. Whether you were chosen by your deity in a time of need, discovered an alchemical admixture that could save the world, or just want to be a dragon because you enjoy hoarding gold, there’s something in here for you. | $5.00 | Play Manga d20 - Fantasy Expansion.pdf |
Play Manga d20! | PF1e | Play Manga d20 is an anime roleplaying game option for the 1st Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game® that brings the fun of owning pet monsters, flying in giant mecha, and being a magical hero of ancient legend to the table. New race and class options for both traditional fantasy and point-based characters demonstrate how to create different ways to adventure. Over 60 pages of attributes, feats, and other choices offer both a freeform way to build characters and a balanced way of arranging abilities when composing custom races and classes. | $4.95 | Play Manga d20 - Base Rules.pdf |
Racial Profiles Expanded: Hungry Souls | PF1e | Racial Profiles: Hungry Souls introduces the new races for players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! Three new PC races: girrans, luxo, and mouselings | $3.95 | Racial Profiles Expanded - Hungry Souls.pdf |
Racial Profiles: Fey | PF1e | Each race is native to the fey realms and has unusual physical characteristics and abilities that make them stand out from other playable races. | $9.95 | Racial Profiles - Fey.pdf |
Racial Profiles: The Arkhoon | PF1e | Arkhoons are a race of humanoids who hail from below the world's surface, acting as mercenaries who primarily performed spying and sabotage missions and assassinations for other underworld groups that could afford the arkhoons' outrageous premiums. Their chameleon-like skin allows them to blend in with their surroundings while their sharp claws are both potent weapons and efficient climbing tools. | $2.95 | Racial Profiles - The Arkhoon.pdf |
Racial Profiles: The Maedu | PF1e | Maedu are a race of humanoids afflicted by a strange curse that give them the appearance of the Medusa, complete with snake hair and a cursed gaze that can turn you to stone. | $4.95 | Racial Profiles - The Maedu.pdf |
Racial Profiles: The Tavi | PF1e | The tavi are a mongoose-like people about the size of halflings. They are often nomadic travelers who enjoy the freedom of the open road, rarely staying long in one place. They have a wanderlust for new locales and people, partly driven by an unquenchable love of new experiences, and partly motivated by a need to find and kill their nemeses: snakes and races with strong ties to snakes. | $4.95 | Racial Profiles - The Tavi.pdf |
Shaman: 5e Compatible Character Options | 5e | This product brings you the power of the new shaman class. Draw power from totem spirits and command the battlefield with unique orisons with this dynamic, fifth edition fantasy class. | $1.95 | 5e Compatible Character Options Shaman.pdf |
Starjammer - Races of the Void Book One (Starfinder Edition) | SF1e | The adventure begins with new races from Starjammer: Races of the Void. Explore the universe as a member of the proud and strong bisoni, or as the strange, telepathic floating aberrations known as aurellians. Or perhaps you'd like to go deep-sea diving using diving equipment built right into your shell as a long-lived tortanian. | $4.95 | Starjammer - Races of the Void Book 1 (Starfinder).pdf |
Starjammer - The Black Codex | PF1e | Explore the dark corners of the Starjammer universe and uncover even darker secrets! These races, hidden until now, lurking in the deepest reaches of the galaxy waiting to befriend or terrorize, you and your crew. | $2.99 | Starjammer - Black Codex 1.pdf |
Starjammer Core Rulebook - Pathfinder 1e Edition | PF1e |
Some people look to the stars and wonder what they are, what they mean, and what is out there. Your characters are about to find out. Welcome to Starjammer, a wild ride through the void built upon and compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. This tome is over 200 pages of star-exploring options, including: Take to the stars and begin your adventures either on your own or with a hearty crew of brave friends. |
$14.95 | Starjammer - Core Rulebook - Pathfinder.pdf |
Starjammer Core Rulebook - Starfinder Edition | SF1e | This tome is over 160 pages of star-exploring options. | $14.95 | Starjammer - Core Rulebook - Starfinder.pdf |
Starjammer: Hailing Frequencies Episode 01 | SF1e | The adventure begins with new races from Starjammer: Races of the Void. Explore the universe as a member of the proud and strong bisoni, or as the strange, telepathic floating aberrations known as aurellians. Or perhaps you'd like to go deep-sea diving using diving equipment built right into your shell as a long-lived tortanian. | $4.95 | Starjammer - Hailing Frequencies.pdf |
Starjammer: Medical Marvels | SF1e | Contained in this catalog you will find cybernetic upgrades, legal and illegal drugs and enhancements, and much more. | $14.95 | Starjammer - Medical Marvels.pdf |
Starjammer: Races of the Void I | PF1e |
The adventure begins with new races from Starjammer: Races of the Void. Explore the universe as a member of the proud and strong bisoni, or as the strange, telepathic floating aberrations known as aurellians. Or perhaps you'd like to go deep-sea diving using diving equipment built right into your shell as a long-lived tortanian. Inside Races of the Void, you'll find three fully-statted-out player races for use in the Starjammer campaign setting or your own homebrew space-faring setting. This book includes alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, feats, spells, and equipment which will help you integrate new characters of these races into your campaign.
$4.95 | Starjammer - Races of the Void Book 1 (Pathfinder).pdf |
Starjammer: Races of the Void II - Zephra | PF1e | Not all creatures are created in the same manner, even if they come from the same stock. Such is the case of the Zephra, having come together in eons past as microbes, and over the millennia, evolved into a recognizable shape. | $2.99 | Starjammer - Races of the Void Book 2.pdf |
Starjammer: Races of the Void III - Vodeim | PF1e | Races of the Void: Vodeim expands upon the spice world of Eimharn and its indigenous people. Prepare to meet the amphibious vodeim race, the deity of self-sufficiency Camdar the Capable, and the bloodthirsty stickweed camouflaged amongst the marsh grasses. | $4.99 | Starjammer - Races of the Void Book 3.pdf |
Starjammer: Station on the Borderworlds: A Starfinder Adventure | PF1e | Welcome to the Station by the Borderworlds, a Starfinder adventure for PCs levels 1 to 3, pitting players against fanatical cultists, fear eating monstrosities, and the environment itself as they traverse through the Swamps of Fear in order to make their way to the Temple of Dread and stop the Cult once and for all. On their journey, they will find the need to make allies in unlikely places as well as watch out for treachery amongst those they believe to be friends. This adventure features the main storyline as well as eight additional quests, dozens of NPCs, new ships, new creatures, and a fully detailed home base where the players can return and rest in safety, building relationships with those around them. Even in the Swamps, it pays to keep a close eye out for help, as even those who would normally be hostile to the players might be interested in rallying against the Cult. | $9.99 | Starjammer - Station on the Borderworlds.pdf |
Steam Powered: Devices of the Mechanical Age | PF1e |
$3.95 | Steam Powered - Book 1 - Devices of the Mechanical Age.pdf |
Steam Powered: Heroes of the Age of Steam | PF1e |
Inside this book you'll find:
$3.95 | Steam Powered - Heroes in the Age of Steam.pdf |
Steam Powered: Illustrated Catalogue & Guide | PF1e |
This book includes:
$5.95 | Steam Powered - Book 2 - Illustrated Catalog.pdf |
Technology Reference Guide | PF1e | The Technology Reference Guide (TRG; this book) simplifies dealing with and adding technological items to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The "official"? guidebook of technological items from Paizo Inc. cannot be referenced (by name) in products carrying the Pathfinder Compatibility Logo so this book is intended to stand in as a replacement. None of the rules herein are a change or alteration of existing Open Gaming Content, but simply a convenient compilation of all of the technology rules from various other sources and this book may be referenced by name by other OGL-based products from other publishers. | $4.95 | Technology Reference Guide.pdf |
Terra Triad Pantheon | PF1e | Terra Triad Pantheon offers cleric domains based on the cycle of the seasons, elements, and organisms and includes a total of 21 subdomains. It also features two races, the half-human, half-wolf Caniskin, and the minotaur-like Werebull-kin. The psimorph class specializes in body adaptations, healing, and linking with allies. Finally, you’ll find 8 archetypes covering a variety of classes, 3 spells, and 1 new magic item. | $4.99 | Terra Triad Pantheon.pdf |
The Evolved Path | PF1e | Sometimes looking back helps move us forward. Author Tim Wallace has taken some of the best open game content from previous editions of this game and brought them forward into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. | $6.95 | The Evolved Path.pdf |
The Fisherking | PF1e | Within these pages you will find character options that relate to rulership or mystical authority as a theme. Blended with this is a touch of witchcraft and the creative force of akasha. The cornerstone and exemplar of this melding of themes and forces is the Fisherking hybrid class, which combines elements of the Witch from the Advanced Player's Guide and the Vizier from Dreamscarred Press' Akashic Mysteries. | $4.99 | The Fisherking_Final.pdf |
The Skinfin Murders (PF1 Adventure) | PF1e | Skinfin Murders is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 1e compatible adventure for 4-6 5-7th level PCs. It can be inserted into any campaign that takes place near a coast or can serve as a one-shot adventure for a night of horror-filled fun. | $4.95 | The Skinfin Murders (Adventure).pdf |
The Woe in Wealwood | PF1e | The Woe in Wealwood is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure for 4-6 4th level PCs.
One by one, the people of Orrer's Haining have begun to disappear while the local fey are driven to madness. As the PCs struggle to put the pieces together, they are forced to delve into the ancient Wealwood and discover the true reason for these disappearances. Finding the culprit, the PCs must confront a past tragedy if they are to prevent a doom encompassing the town and woods alike. The Woe in Wealwood is a horror-mystery for 4th-level characters, progressing to 5th-level by its conclusion. It can be inserted into any campaign that takes place near ancient forests or can serve as a one-shot adventure for a night of horror-filled fun. |
$4.95 | The Woe In Wealwood.pdf |
Ultimate Evil | PF1e | This book is a treatise on all forms of evil, most notably those fallen from grace and those who would bring their foul motives to bear upon those too weak to resist them. It is co-authored by noted Pathfinder Roleplaying Game writer Clinton J. Boomer and previous d20pfsrd.com Publishing author Peter K. Ullmann. This vile manuscript provides you with 60+ pages of sick content for evil PCs and NPCs. | $7.99 | Ultimate Evil.pdf |
Unspeakable Cults: Azathoth | PF1e |
Mankind has always looked to the stars, wondering what lay beyond them. Only rarely did we dare dream about what lived in the darkness between them. A few people did, H.P. Lovecraft serving as a prime example! Since then, the Cthulhu Mythos has expanded greatly, to the point where people have often forgotten what actually forms the basis of some of these entities. Unspeakable Cults looks to fix this, and re-introduce these alien beings and those insane enough to call to them for help! |
$4.95 | Unspeakable Cults - Azathoth.pdf |
Wands Recrafted | PF1e | This product redesigns certain rules components for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. In this instance we look at magic wands. A frequent complaint regarding magic wands is that they are basically nothing more than 'spell-in-a-stick' items. In this supplement, we re-imagine wands in a way that makes them more interesting as well as relevant to the casters who use them. Hopefully these rules will make every spellcaster at your table want to have a wand of his or her own that is custom-made to their character's portfolio of magical expertise items they will keep for a long period of time and use over and over again. This product includes rules for crafting 'complex' wands as well as ten new wands using the rules | $2.95 | Wands Recrafted.pdf |
Full Retail | $420.13 | |||
Bundle Price | $39.95 | |||
Number of Files/products | 82.00 |
Supplemental Files
The Fisherking FAQ and Errata.pdf: Some additional information regarding the Fisherking product.
files.txt: A text file that lists all of the product files in the bundle.