Untapped Classes: Worldthought Adjuncts

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Class Options d20/OGL fantasy Player Options Psionics

Untapped Classes: Worldthought Adjuncts

As society minds developed, bringing more individuals into worldthought networks, there evolved individuals with the ability to manipulate these networks, even if they themselves were not society minds. These worldthought adjuncts learned how to make use of the mental connections in a variety of ways. Those who sought to further enhance the network came to be known as Initiates of the Worldthought, while those who discerned ways to subvert, attack, or even destroy these worldthought networks came to be known as Isolated Minds

Contained within Untapped Classes: Worldthought Adjuncts you will find two new 3-level prestige classes dealing with manipulating others' worldthought networks, as well as new feats for use with these classes.

The Initiate of the Worldthought acts like a support structure for a society mind. He has the ability to increase the size of a worldthought network, take over a worldthought network if a society mind should fall, and eventually, even create his own mini-network.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Isolated Mind is an anti-society mind. He is devoted to finding, usurping, and destroying worldthought networks. Whether it is by ejecting members from the network, wresting control of the network from the society mind, or force his way into a network and destabilize it, the isolated mind is the opposite of a society mind.

Untapped Classes: Worldthought Adjuncts requires the use of the society mind base class, found in Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics or in Untapped Classes: Society Mind. Optional rules are presented within Untapped Classes: Worldthought Adjuncts to use these classes without using society minds.

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