Untapped Classes: Talon of the Thrush

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Class Options d20/OGL fantasy Player Options Psionics

Untapped Classes: Talon of the Thrush

Legend speaks of the Thrush, a marksman of astounding skill with both the bow and the thrown weapon, something few have ever matched. Those who trained under the Thrush were known as his Talons, learning his techniques with thrown weapons. These Talons of the Thrush are deadly enemies with an affinity for performing stunts with ranged weapons that defy the laws of gravity.

Within the pages of Untapped Classes: Talon of the Thrush you will find 7 pages of new material, including the full write-up of the Talon of the Thrush, as well as a fully-documented iconic NPC. In addition, a new psionic organization, The Talons of the Thrush, is detailed.

This prestige class requires the use of the marksman class found in Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics.

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