Untapped Classes: Shooting Star Adept

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Class Options d20/OGL fantasy Player Options Psionics

Untapped Classes: Shooting Star Adept

Where others may take minutes or even hours to wait for that perfect shot to present itself, the shooting star adept lets loose with a volley of arrows, trusting his skill with a bow to guide each missile to its target.

Within the pages of Untapped Classes: Shooting Star Adept you will find 6 pages of new material, including the full write-up of the Shooting Star Adept, as well as a fully-documented iconic NPC. In addition, a new psionic power, the arrow knows the way, is detailed.

This prestige class requires the use of the marksman class found in Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics. This download includes a coupon for a discount on Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics for those who do not already own it.

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