Untapped Classes: Lightning Strike Virtuoso

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Class Options d20/OGL fantasy Player Options Psionics

Untapped Classes: Lightning Strike Virtuoso

With a single shot, the entire course of history can change. This is the precept of the Lightning Strike Virtuoso, the newest psionic prestige class from Dreamscarred Press. Where a bowman will seek to overcome enemies with quantity of arrows fired, the Lightning Strike Virtuoso will wait until the precise moment when a single bolt from his crossbow will take his target at the weakest point.

Within the pages of Untapped Classes: Lightning Strike Virtuoso you will find 6 pages of new material, including the full write-up of the Lightning Strike Virtuoso, as well as a fully-documented iconic NPC. In addition, a new psionic armor enhancement, psychoportive, is detailed.

This prestige class requires the use of the marksman class found in Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics.

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