Under the Knife: The Grafter, a Tinker Prestige Class

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: Class Options fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Prestige Classes Tinker

Under the Knife: The Grafter, a Tinker Prestige Class

"You'll be a whole new you!"

Go Under the Knife with the grafter, the latest prestige class for the tinker base class! Tinkers have made Super Mega Ultra Mechas, have made musical bands of their automatons, conquered the air and the sea, have controlled both the dead and the manufactured at once, and have constructed ridiculous weapons only they can use. Still, tinkers have always been an island unto themselves, a party of mechanical minions within a larger party.

That ends here.

The grafter prestige class (a 5-level prestige class) finally makes inventions a community thing. Equipped with a grafting pool, the grafter first learns how to install inventions on his own body. With sufficient practice, he learns how to install inventions on any corporeal creature that will sit still and let him. Helicopter rotors for the entire party? Check. Speed-enhancing augmentations for the monk? Check. A setup for an automatically reloading crossbow on top of the wizard's head? Double check. The grafting options are expanded beyond the already-copious inventions offered to the tinker base class through the advent of implants. Implants are treated just like any other invention with the caveat that they only function as grafts and cannot be installed on automatons.

Though it may not be as flashy as other tinker releases, the grafter will find its way into many a build. It's modular and powerful in its simplicity, making it a tool that will expand the number of tinker builds available by an amount that its page count normally wouldn't suggest.

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