The Edgewalker: Wielder of Light and Darkness

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: classes fantasy Feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Spells Talents

The Edgewalker: Wielder of Light and Darkness

How many roads will you walk down?

Just as at home stalking the shadows for their prey as they are bringing luminescent wrath down upon their foes in a display of pyrotechnics, edgewalkers come across as walking paradoxes to most observers, most observers being defined as those who haven't just been shown, in excruciating detail, mind you, that both approaches are just as lethal. Edgewalkers believe in the duality of all things. Life and death, or light and darkness, for that matter, are just two sides to the same coin. How otherwise rational creatures, such as paladins, could get so riled up about one half of a duality is quite confusing to the neophyte edgewalker, though this soon passes given their philosophy's capacity to accept things as what they are.

The training of an edgewalker resembles that of a martial, ascetic monk, while also resembling that of an assassin or other such stalker of the shadows. Experienced edgewalkers are just as cunning as they are wise and revel in the eventual realization that their training is a smattering of that of all other professions. By being trained in such a manner, edgewalkers understand the nature of their adversaries as extrapolated facets of themselves, granting themselves a significant advantage in battle.

Toeing the razor's edge between many paths, the edgewalker's journey and outlook tends to be a source of amusement or confusion for all those he takes on as traveling companions, but there is no doubting that his strange combination of monk and assassin, light and darkness, and wisdom and naiveté are surprisingly effective when brought to bear.

Product Features

The edgewalker base class, a combination assassin/shadowdancer/monk base class whose primary innovation is two "ki" pools, one for light and one for shadow. Use both in tandem to confuse and overcome your enemies!

Over 50 waypoints and greater waypoints, effectively talents for use with your "ki" pool.

Favored class bonuses, a smattering of character-defining feats, and limited bookmarking

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