Ultimate Relationships #2: The Viking Shieldmaiden
Ultimate Relationships #2: The Viking Shieldmaiden

Ultimate Relationships #2: The Viking Shieldmaiden
The Viking Shieldmaiden is a proud viking warrior who must come to grips with the taste of dishonor and failure. With the PCs’ help, she might come out the other side stronger than ever. The Viking Shieldmaiden is extremely competitive, reacts aggressively when she feels she is being disrespected, and often becomes confused when the ins and outs of viking honor aren’t as obvious to others as they are to her. However, she is fiercely loyal to her true friends and comrades, and she is never bitter about losing a competition fairly, merely excited to improve and try again.
The original Ultimate Relationships provided the basic rules and structure for building effective and fun relationships with NPCs in the game, and this ongoing series takes that a step further by providing you with a fully developed, robustly detailed NPC in every product, some drawn from published Adventure Paths, others from Legendary Games products, and still others entirely new. Each installment includes the character's game statistics as well as the relationship characteristics that make them a long-running campaign character that your players will talk about for years to come.