Starfinder RPG: Character Operations Manual

by Open Gaming Store

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Tags: robots sci-fi Starfinder Starfinder RPG

Starfinder RPG: Character Operations Manual

Enhance Your Hero

The Starfinder galaxy is an expansive and diverse collection of eclectic planets, strange creatures, myriad cultures, and ancient traditions! Characters can draw from far more backgrounds, heritages, and training regimens than can possibly be contained in just one core book. The Starfinder Character Operations Manual expands the universe of what is possible for characters of any class or race, providing new choices at every stage of character creation and advancement. Whether you are a veteran or new to the game, there's something here for you! Inside this book, you'll find the following:

  • Three new character classes—the biohacker, the vanguard, and the witchwarper—that add the power to alter biology, control entropy, and tap into alternate realities.
  • Additional options for all the classes and races found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
  • Expanded selections of feats, spells, and equipment, including shields.
  • More roles and crew actions for starship combat, and a system for downtime activities outside of battle.
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