Occult Character Codex: Mediums
Occult Character Codex: Mediums
Occult Character Codex: Mediums
Let the Spirits Arise Within You!

Occult Character Codex: Mediums contains 20 detailed medium stat blocks, including both ordinary mediums using their powers to let eldritch spirits of legendary heroes and villains to wield their powers by opening themselves to their spiritual influence and channeling the power of haunts and spirits alike through trances and séances, as well as relic channelers and reanimated mediums alike! You'll find medium humans and halflings, dwarves and elves, but also stranger races like centaurs, aasimars, and monstrous berbalangs, running the gamut from good to evil and all points in between. With the Occult Character Codex, you'll have an entire arsenal of medium characters waiting and ready to blow your players' minds!
The Occult Character Codex series brings you a fantastic collection of detailed, ready-to-use stat blocks for psychic characters using the new classes in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures rulebook. These characters can be used by GMs as allies or villains, friends or rivals, helpful characters or mysterious strangers, or any other use the GM can think of. Every installment includes 20 fully developed premade characters from 1st to 20th level, drawn from many races and specialties within each class and designed with a full array of spells, magic items, feats, psychic abilities, and detailed tactics for ease of use. If you'd love to introduce elements of the new psychic and occult rules into your campaign but feel a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new material to absorb, this is the book for you. Each Occult Character Codex is an ideal complement to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex from Paizo, Inc.