No Rest for the Wicked

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove

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No Rest for the Wicked

The year is 1632 and the wars of religion engulf Europe.

Can you imagine it? A war so total, everywhere you have ever known and everywhere you might know is touched by it. It’s taken friends and family members. Maybe it swallowed your village whole. Perhaps it even took you, conscripted by a King or an Emperor or a Pope you have never met.

You probably can’t imagine a life devoured by war while you’re cozy and safe, rolling dice around a table with your friends, but the land remembers. History remembers. Look at the global powers in World War I and you will see the war continued after a three-century truce. Track the global population over time and you will see the divot where pike-and-shot killed those the plague did not. Bore into Arctic ice and measure the lead content and you will see the drop when there were no more men to smelt iron.

So, when you seek an inn to stay for the night, why are you so surprised to find the war has arrived ahead of you?

An adventure suitable for low level characters for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing and other traditional role-playing games.

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