Into The Breach: The Gunslinger

by Flying Pincushion Games

Flying Pincushion Games



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats Gunslinger Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids Treasure

Into The Breach: The Gunslinger

Into the Breach: The Gunslinger

For the fifth book in our Into the Breach line we are focusing on the Gunslinger. For some mixing guns and fantasy is like adding peanut butter to chocolate to others its like adding processed cheese to fish. Like it or not the lid to Pandora's box has been opened and The Gunslinger is here to stay, but left in the box after all the evils of the world escaped was hope. In that spirit I hope you like our offering.

With 8 new archetypes, an alternate base class, three prestige classes, 3 new feats, and 7 new gear items you will have a wealth of new choices. Here is a sampling of what you'll find...

New Archetypes:

  • Black Powder Knight- Nobility isn’t just about swords anymore, and selfless bravery is not the sole province of a paladin.
  • Boltslinger- Want to play the gunslinger but can’t have the guns? Boltslinger is there to fill that void.
  • Bombard Blade- Want the power of black powder but love to mix up melee, bombard blade is a weapon that explodes in your foe!
  • Cunning Scoundrel- One part rogue one part gunslinger, sometimes the right tool for the trade is a gun.
  • Frogman- It takes a unique hero to bring firearms underwater.
  • Powderman- Guns? Some people just like to blow things up!
  • Wyrd Hunter- Hot lead becomes cold iron, lets face it sometimes the fey simply deserve it.
  • Trick shot- Sometimes the importance isn’t what you shoot at but where you hit them.

New Alternate Class

  • Gungineer- Guns evolve, gungineers are modders at heart looking to customize and improve their weapons into something more.

New Prestige Classes

  • Grey Eye- Dead eye shooter controlling the undead, ‘nuff said.
  • Hex gunner- is there anything more spiteful then a witch with a gun? Find out.
  • Qiang Seng- Beware of those who practice gunkata.
  • Plus 3 new grit feats and 7 new gear items
We’re looking for stars!
Let us know what you think