Into The Breach: The Cavalier

by Flying Pincushion Games

Flying Pincushion Games



Tags: Archetypes Cavalier Classes Fantasy Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Into The Breach: The Cavalier

Into the Breach: The Cavalier

Into the Breach is a series of crunch-focused books intended to expand the options available to the base classes (the alchemist, cavalier, gunslinger, inquisitor, magus, oracle, summoner, and witch).

For the sixth book in our Into the Breach line we are focusing on the Cavalier. Pathfinder's answer to the knight has melee hit power, a mount, and a penchant for being a good team player. What makes an ideal warrior with a code can vsrry widely and we've expanded your options here.

With 11 new archetypes, 1 alternate base class, 3 prestige classes, 1 new order, and new gear items you will have a wealth of new choices. Here is a sampling of what you'll find...

New Archetypes:

  • Airborne Knight- Rule the skies astride a beast that flys! This includes mount stats for 4 flying mounts.
  • Briar Knight- Forgoe a mount for a symbiont armor of thorns and vines.
  • Charioteer- Fight like a Hittie, using one of the worlds oldest and most iconic forms of troop transport.
  • Clockwork Knight- Why train a mount when you can build one?
  • Crudis Domitor- We always give you a villainous option, this is a knight that feeds on fear and slaughter.
  • Formation Rider- The strength of many combines to elevate beyond what once can do alone.
  • Lord/Lady in Burlap- Nobility is not the sole province of the aristocracy, these peasent knights lead the masses.
  • Mounted Brigand- Less a knight and more an outlaw, these are the rogues of the countryside or perhaps savage raiders form another land.
  • Oath Bound Protector- There's a strength in pledging another's life above your own.
  • Shield Maiden- Tank like a legendaryValkerye.
  • Spirirt Rider- Ride a Spirit into battle.

New Alternate Class

  • Sword-Sworn Troubedore- The strength of a martial class with the teamwork of a bard combine to represent the drummers and musicians that have served in militaries of antiquity.

New Prestige Classes

  • Fey Warden- Serve as the mortal champion of the otherworldly Fey.
  • Obsideon Knight- Some knights are as immobile and resilient as the stone of a mountain..
  • Rime Reaver- Cold savage lands forge the people that live there into something savage and strong.
  • Plus Order of the Bow and new gear!
We’re looking for stars!
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