Class Expansions - Ninja Tricks

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: classes fantasy ninja Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

Class Expansions - Ninja Tricks

Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.

Following in this vein, Class Expansions - Ninja Tricks introduces twenty new ninja tricks.

  • Assassin Assassin: The ninja's training grants her bonuses when dealing with others of the Dexterous-killing-machine profession.
  • Aster Master: The ninja can get Weapon Specialization for shuriken.
  • Blazing Speed: The ninja can spend a point of Ki for +30 feet of movement rather than +20.
  • Calling Card: The ninja leaves a calling card whenever she commits a crime. If her identity is revealed, this grants her a hefty bonus to intimidate.
  • Cauterize: Using ki to heat her weapon, the ninja can stabilize dying creatures and stop bleed damage.
  • Dimension Bomb: The ninja can throw a smoke bomb at her feet and teleport a short distance.
  • Heat of the Moment: By spending ki, the ninja can draw a weapon or rummage for any other item as a swift action, but only during a surprise round and only if she uses it in the surprise round.
  • Illusory Wound: A ninja can convince herself that her wounds are not as severe as they actually are, granting her temporary hit points.
  • Jagged Lacerations: The ninja's sneak attacks sicken the target.
  • Penetrating Throw: The ninja can throw a shuriken with sufficient force to penetrate through a target and into another individual behind it.
  • Ricochet: The ninja can invest ki into a single shuriken throw, thus causing it to bounce around and strike multiple targets.
  • Silent Puncture: The ninja can attempt to muffle the sound of the victim of one of her sneak attacks, thus facilitating cloak and dagger tactics.
  • Sudden Vanish: The ninja can spend ki to immediately vanish upon being critically hit.
  • Tangle Bomb: The ninja is capable of mixing tanglefoot bags and smoke bombs, with amusing effects.
  • Toxic Saliva: A life of poisoning her blades has left residual toxins in the ninja's body. She can coat several weapons a day in this low-lethality poison.
  • Unseen Shadow: The ninja can spend ki to force creatures to reroll their Perception checks to see her.
  • Vindictive Mind: Whenever the ninja saves against a compulsion effect, she can immediately attempt to use that mental link to mangle her oppressor's mind with ki.
  • Visual Impairment: Throwing dust in an opponent's face, the ninja reduces the combat efficacy of an enemy.
  • Whirling Cavalcade: Focusing on one enemy with her shuriken, the ninja gets bonus damage for each shuriken that struck home this round.
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