The Smokehouse Raid

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 5th Edition Adventure (Low-Level) Fantasy

The Smokehouse Raid

The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin… 

A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Amazons vs Valkyries: The Smokehouse Raid

Pages: 12
Game System: OGL 5e 
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

The Smokehouse Raid is a Fifth Edition adventure for one to seven characters of 1st to 3rd level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

Adventure Summary: A band of enemy mercenaries have captured some of the PCs' allies and are holding them in an old estate in the country. The enemy troops are gnoll-like creatures called canocephites and the estate features a large smokehouse which the canocephites turn into a deadly trap. This adventure presents several difficult challenges as the canocephites use dogs, darkness, flanking, cover, traps, and delay tactics to defeat the PCs. 

If the PCs succeed, they rescue one or more allied soldiers from a fate worse than death.

This adventure works well as a stand alone side quest, but it is actually designed as an expansion to the Prelude to War adventure. 

Other similar side quests in this series include the Manticore's Den, Quest for Yulania Tree, and The Battle of Stonehill Fort.

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