The Genius Guide to More Fighter Talents

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: classes fantasy fighter Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

The Genius Guide to More Fighter Talents

The idea of fighter talents (and why they are a good idea) is first presented in The Genius Guide to the Talented Fighter, along with a large number of talents (many adopted from the abilities of fighter archetypes). The new talents presented here can be used with that book, or they can be added as new options for the traditional fighter class.

To use these talents with the core fighter class, simply allow a fighter to replace any of the following class features with a talent bonus feats, bravery, armor training, weapon training, armor master, or weapon mastery. Advance talents require the fighter be at least 10th level, and grand talents are available only to 20th level fighters, and must be taken in place of weapon mastery.

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