The Genius Guide to Chaos Magic

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: arcane Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options player's resource spells

The Genius Guide to Chaos Magic

Chaos magic is the eldritch force of pure, churning anarchy, outrageous coincidence, and unrelenting entropy. It is more than spells that draw on the chaotic element of the alignments that define the morals of creatures throughout the multiverse, it also is a way to dip into the pure stuff of madness and creation. Chaos magic requires its practitioners to embrace a lack of control, and accept that what they want isn't always going to be what they get. In return, they can create effects far beyond their normal level of power though that isn't always a good thing.

Chaos magic is often considered evil by society, and while this isn't true, its an understandable position. Those who draw on chaos magic are often power-mad and, only slightly less often, just plain insane and thus are high-profile troublemakers. And even among those who embrace chaos magic for scholarly pursuits, or as the only means to oppose powerful enemies, or because they have no choice, the unpredictable nature of chaos magic often causes them to do as much collateral damage as real, lasting good. No one wants a chaos mage living in the center of town, and while the power she represents isn't malevolent, its certainly antithetical to the goals of any organized society.

Even so, rare examples of chaos magic as an heroic power source do exist mostly in lands suffering under crushing tyranny and merciless laws that protect only the rich and powerful. In such kingdoms, anything that disrupts the status quo may be embraced as a form of heroic independence and liberty. Such praise is generally short lived however once the tyrant is overturned, the confusion and random mishaps caused by chaos magic is as mistrusted by the new regime (however evenhanded it may be) as it once was by the original oppressors.

Despite its questionable reputation, the power of pure anarchy is often sought after by those who simply desire power, and sometimes thrust on those who would prefer a more orderly kind of magic. Chaos is a natural part of the universe, and chaos magic cannot be contained or eliminated, no matter how many kingdoms would prefer it.

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