The Brewmaster - Life of the Party

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: classes Feats Magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Brewmaster - Life of the Party

"A man needs to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer." - W.C. Fields

Nature is a wonderful, complicated thing. Its many parts live in balance with each other, always seeking a stable equilibrium, a way to remove the chaff and produce a wasteless, sustainable whole. Brewmasters, however, live to upset this equilibrium, at least on a very small scale. Trained in the production of microcosms that are so off-kilter that the inhabitants literally eat themselves to death, brewmasters are interested in manipulating how these tiny creatures finish themselves off. Why? Because their waste products happen to be delicious.

This does not mean that a brewmaster cares nothing for nature. Without nature, there's nothing to throw in a keg, and without a keg full of fermented goodness, the good times simply cannot roll. Wise rather than intelligent, many brewmasters are known friends of druids and rangers, as they embrace nature and its gifts in a similar fashion. Others are fully urbanized and can be seen running the finest taverns and inns in the world. Those brewmasters who seek out the adventuring profession do so to assuage the singular urge to keep experimenting with brews. Who knows - there may be something new to ferment just over the next hill.

Product Features

  • The brewmaster base class, a "smart man's barbarian" (or a "brutish herbalist") whose primary innovation is a complex brewing system featuring four kinds of ingredients: additives, clarifiers, fermenters, and sugars
  • A semi-realistic fermentation and brewing simulation system with multiple fermentation speeds and end product quality levels - slow brews can take up to five days to mature, while fast brews allow the brewmaster to regain his power overnight
  • The ingredients book, featuring 40 additives, 9 clarifiers, 8 fermenters, and 27 sugars
  • About a dozen feats that manipulate everything from what kind of drunk your brewmaster is to his propensity to preserve his potions with a bracing dose of neutral spirits
  • Limited internal linking and bookmarking
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