Shadowglade: Vampyres of Shadowglade

by Neo Productions Unlimited

Neo Productions Unlimited



Tags: feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options race traits undead

Shadowglade: Vampyres of Shadowglade

Supernatural suspense, horror, and action await the unwary in Shadowglade! 500 years ago, the world ended. More than that, it was forgotten, the minds of those alive scoured clean of knowledge, history, and identity. In the intervening years, society has rebuilt as best it could, new alliances have been forged and blood-sworn enemies made as the surviving nations have begun to rediscover their roots. Out in the wilds and darkness, however, not all that lurks is friendly...or human...or even alive.

Shortly after the world recovered from the devastating Upheaval and governments began to reestablish themselves, contact was made with a lost enclave of humanity deep within the Centerspine mountains. Joy quickly turned to horror however when, unprovoked, the Iren Church to the Lord of the Stars declared the baronies immoral and wholly evil and began a crusade to wipe them from the face of the shattered world. While other powers were able to step in and establish peace, few knew why the war began in the first place...

Unbeknownst to many, the Centerspine Baronies were home to an elite cadre of individuals, relics of the per-Upheaval world. Ancient and cunning, these bloodthirsty warriors had seen a darkness on the horizon and prepared themselves for the worst. If that came or not, it is unknown; all that they did know was this land was theirs to defend for better or worse.

The Vampyres of Shadowglade delves a little deeper into the shadows and hidden world of Shadowglade. Become a vampyre of the Centerspine and explore the shadows of the realm through a new set of eyes!

This PDF features:

Background on the Vampyres of Shadowglade! Sequestered in the hollows of the Centerspine since before the Upheaval itself, these powerful rulers in the shadows have an ulterior motive, but what? Racial Profile, including player-appropriate racial traits, to explore this new facet of the Shadowglade setting or any other realm! Feats, Traits, and Defects, all keyed to the vampyre and Shadowglade! Explore this exciting race and expanded Supernatural mechanics!OGL Hunger rules; an excellent foundation for playing races with unnatural predilection for human flesh, reproduced for use with the vampyre!

About Shadowglade

Shadowglade is a magic-lite, low fantasy campaign setting modeled heavily on Renaissance era and colonial era mythology. Churches hold sway while magic is a thing of myth and folklore; technology is emerging, but fear of the unknown grips the hearts of many.

To help complement and enforce this, Shadowglade is an E10 (Epic 10) campaign setting; gameplay is capped at the 10th level, keeping gameplay in the lower, gritter levels and leaving high-level threats a very real danger and making players and GMs explore more unusual avenues to tackle dangerous and deadly threats.

To get up-to-date information about the setting and future releases, join us on Facebook for updates!

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