Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen
Rogue Genius Games
Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen
Welcome to Kith of the Harpy Queen, the fifth in our line of monster books called Monster Menagerie. Each volume in this line presents a small set of monsters tied to a single theme, but spread over a range of CRs. For Kith of the Harpy Queen that theme is variants of the classic winged female monster. As an added bonus, author Sam Hing has put together an awesome set of harpy-related magic items, spells, and feats to round out your winged raiders.
Harpies are one of the classic monsters of legend and lore. Initially Grecian wind spirits created to punish the wicked, harpies had their myth slowly evolve into the female bird creatures that have plagued heroes in countless roleplaying games. The intention of this book is to expand the role of the harpy into something more than a simple monster whose song lures people to their dooms. Within these pages you will find how harpies have adapted to new terrains, sizes, mystic influences, and situations. We present new options to allow harpy-based encounters to haunt overconfident adventurers who think all they need is some wax in their ears.
Few things are more pleasing to a GM than the look of confusion on a player's face when he realizes that the familiar monster before him is not quite what he expected. This book adds that touch of fear into the minds of players, and thus into the heart of their heroes, with the sweet notes of a song.
We're confident that you'll find something useful in this Monster Menagerie. Now ready yourself for the first wave of the Flight of Fear-the storm harpies have conjured up a foul wind, the piasa are ready to crush the life from you, and one of Pazizu's chosen has raised an airborne army!