Hybrid Classes Vol.2: Horror Heroes

by Wayward Rogues Publishing

Wayward Rogues Publishing



Tags: Archetypes Classes Feats Horror Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Spells

Hybrid Classes Vol.2: Horror Heroes

Hybrid Classes Vol.2: Horror Heroes

Here are six new hybrid classes that add an element of horror to your tabletop adventures!

  • Bullet Disciple- This gunslinger-monk follows the spiritual way of the gun. Students of the Sights of Enlightenment, they believe the gun is a metaphor for life, and seek to emulate it’s brutal, sleek efficiency.
  • Dimensionist- The Dimensionist refolds reality with arcane spells, tamed wild talents, and sinister distortions. With the aid of an aberrant familiar, she invokes strange geometry to warp space and matter in horrific ways.
  • Incarnate-Living cursed lives as the avatar of a sinister, otherworldly entity, incarnates are Infused with terrible powers of their dark benefactor, becoming brutal forces in combat.
  • Librarian- Bureaucratic emissaries of esoteric and occult lore, this hybrid bard occultist uses psychic magic to boost his abilities and those of his allies.
  • Revanchist- Sometimes, when someone has been deeply wronged, they become consumed with the need for revenge. The revanchist, a hybrid cavalier-inquisitor, travels the world dispensing justice in a never ending quest of vengeance.
  • Vivisectionist- This alchemist necromancer uses foul extracts from forbidden formulas to create and augment undead. She takes on aspects of the grave with her heinous mutagens.

Included are new archetypes, feats, and spells to augment these new player options for your PF RPG!

Written by Robert Gresham, Aaron Hollingsworth, Jarrett Sigler, and Rodney Sloan.

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