Fabled Champion (d20)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Archetypes Classes d20/OGL

Fabled Champion (d20)

Pages: 5
Illustrations: 4
Game System: OGL 3.5/Pathfinder

The fabled champion is a prestige class for mighty knights seeking to take their skills to an elite level. The fabled champion is a living legend whose reputation proceeds him, intimidating his enemies and bolstering his allies. But these knights aren't only famous, they have the skills and abilities to back up that legendary reputation. Armed with several special abilities, the fabled champion is protected against sneak attacks, diseases, fear and magic and can also strike down his enemies with powerful blows.

The fabled champion is a 10-level prestige class for those heroic warriors that are truly great figures of legend. Fighters are the most common class to follow this path, though paladins are also frequently found among the ranks of fabled champions.

This product comes with two files, the onscreen version featuring plenty of artwork, and a printer-friendly version, designed to show mercy on your ink cartridge. Pick up this file today and bring some high fantasy heroics to your campaign setting!


"Fabled champions are the heroes whose epic tales are passed down through dozens of generations and shared around campfires, in wayside inns, and in schoolrooms across the lands. These mighty figures loom from the history books, their deeds having shaped the modern world. Some of them have saved civilization from certain destruction. Others have fought righteous wars against the vile races. Still others fought for personal reasons, struggling against ancestral enemies or feuding with a powerful nemesis. The names and deeds of the fabled champions are well known to every child and are favorite subjects of the bards and historians.

Fabled champions are similar to paladins, gaining a Charisma bonus to saving throws and several other similar abilities. However, they do not gain spells or any of the paladin’s divine abilities. Fabled champions gain spell resistance and an intimidating reputation, among other unique powers. Although they are not bound by any particular alignment, fabled champions always fight for a cause, be it religious, political, social, or personal."

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