Class Expansions - Sorcerer Bloodlines
Interjection Games
Class Expansions - Sorcerer Bloodlines
Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.
Following in this vein, Class Expansions - Sorcerer Bloodlines introduces three new sorcerer bloodlines that take on the stranger and more esoteric concepts the bloodline can encompass.
Product Features:
- Artificial - One of your ancestors was a simulacrum or a clone of some sort, injecting a healthy dose of the "created" into your pedigree. As a result, you constantly find yourself tearing things down to their constituent pieces. The Artificial bloodline gives a sorcerer power over the inanimate and the process of creation, eventually making him a master of all things craft.
*Caution: This one's fun!*
- Fatespun - Luck is a zero-sum game for your family. If an uncle strikes it rich, little Timmy falls in a well. If little Timmy falls in a well, Susan has twins, and then one of those twins has a condition that costs about as much as the uncle made to begin with. It really is quite bizarre. As a sorcerer within this family, you slowly learn just how much time the universe actually spends acting as a beancounter in this regard. Further, you learn how to manipulate it to your benefit. Caution: twisting your fate to your benefit may kill or maim your loved ones! Alternatively, taking one for the team may very well make everyone rich and famous.
- Radiant - The touch of a god is powerful and, apparently, is something that makes its way into the blood of a family. You discover the faintest echoes of the favor of a god visited upon one of your ancestors, and, through leveraging it, you find yourself tapping into the divine as you delve further into the arcane.