Advanced Races 13: Werelion

by Kobold Press

Kobold Press



Tags: archetypes fantasy Feats Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids Races

Advanced Races 13: Werelion

Proud and Deadly Lords!

Were they men who became lions, or lions who became men? Were they divinely awakened beasts? Druids who abandoned civilization to live the thrill of the hunt?

No one knows for certain—and the werelions themselves don’t particularly care.

These powerful warriors and canny hunters prowl the warm grasslands and snow-capped mountains, content in the superiority of their way of life.

Advanced Races: Werelions is your essential guide to this proud race of lycanthropes that roams the Southlands. This 14-page PDF by designers Brian Suskind and Ben McFarland includes:

  • Racial traits for both natural and afflicted werelion PCs
  • 2 new racial archetypes: Lion-Blooded (Sorcerer) and the Hunting Lion (Inquisitor)
  • 8 werelion racial feats, including Bestial Roar, Detect Shapeshifter and Flawless Adaptation
  • 5 race-specific traits including Desert Wanderer, Fetish Hunter and Mountain Stalker
  • New spells and magic items
  • And more!

Remind the world who truly rules the Southlands—get Advanced Races: Werelion today!

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