Ultimate Composition

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: archetypes best of classes fantasy Feats Magic Modern Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Spells Strange Magic

Ultimate Composition

Roll over, Beethoven!

Compose and conduct your own masterpieces with one of four new musical base classes based on a new, freeform composition system.

In the real world, great musicians are some of the most creative people that you will ever meet. When sitting down to play one in tabletop gaming, however, musical performance boils down to a short list of canned abilities that are autogranted at particular level thresholds. In short, gaming a musician is not the creative enterprise that actually being one is.

Ultimate Composition seeks to capture the raw creativity of music with the advent of a freeform composition system. Players combine intros, melodies, and outros to compose custom scores, which are then conducted in much the same way that a bard performs his performances. Each base class contained herein takes a different spin on the concept, combining it with spellcasting, arcane magic, divine magic, or more freeform musical composition, as the case may be.

Further, Ultimate Composition's transformative archetypes are not mere flavor packages, but instead modify the very root of the composition system itself, to the point that each base class can be made almost unrecognizable by piling on two or three of them.

*Ultimate Composition is part 2 of 3 of the Strange Magic project, an upcoming hardcover book that seeks to be the spiritual successor to 2006's Tome of Magic.*

Product Features:

  • Four base classes: the skirmishing breakdancer, the divine cantor, the multi-conducting harmonicist, and the classic maestro
  • Five multiclass archetypes, archetypes that are each compatible with two or more of the above classes: the masterpiece-rewriting arranger, the transformative songweaver, the music-as-magic starlet, the minelaying street performer, and the bardic performing virtuoso.
  • Favored Class options for all common races, as well as most featured races
  • Innovative scores system makes music into a tripartite system of intro, melody, and outro, then offers options to totally break that structure through transformative archetypes and specialist base classes
  • 150+ compositions spanning a 30-page spellbook
  • Breakdancer dance moves system with 60 abilities
  • Cantor/Maestro masterpieces system with 25+ musicae sacrae/opuses
  • 19 feats
  • Complete nested bookmarking, including all sidebars and tables
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