The Murmuring Fountain (PFRPG)

by Legendary Games

Legendary Games



Tags: adventure campaign setting fantasy gm tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Murmuring Fountain (PFRPG)

The Murmuring Fountain (PFRPG)

A Lament for the Lost... and the Lunatic

When is a raven not just a raven? Mixing two parts Edgar Allen Poe with a dash of H.P. Lovecraft, this creepy adventure supplements characters beginning a gothic-themed Adventure Path campaign. PCs have the chance to gain additional experience and much-needed trust with the townsfolk as the ghostly emanations of the haunted prison threaten to sow madness and tragedy in the village below.

Designed by Jason Nelson and Clark Peterson with the Legendary Games Design Team of Neil Spicer, Clinton Boomer, and Greg A. Vaughan. Who better to provide you with alternate magic items for your Adventure Path campaign than the very writers of those adventures themselves? Answer: no one.

Legendary Games' Adventure Path Plug-Ins supplement and enrich your campaign experience, offering adventures and supporting products that incorporate and expanding upon unique concepts, themes, and rules subsystems introduced in the Adventure Paths while filling in the background characters, items, and locations that make those adventures come alive in delightful (and often dangerous) detail.

Legendary Games combines stellar writing talent with innovative layout and product design and top-notch artistic values that we think will bring you back again and again.

Download includes

  • a full color version
  • a printer-friendly version

Check out this gothic-themed adventure and Make Your Game Legendary! This adventure was designed for PCs of 1st-2nd level.

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