Storm Bunny Presents: The Ghost of Ashenwood Road
Storm Bunny Studios
Storm Bunny Presents: The Ghost of Ashenwood Road
Storm Bunny Presents: The Ghost of Ashenwood Road
By Jaye Sonia
Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation. It includes all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters), impressive encounter locations, short stories intended to spark the imagination, and handouts that ease preparation time.
The Ghost of Ashenwood Road gives Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GMs a quick, engaging NPC and accompanying background story that can easily be adapted to fit a single session with minimal preparation. Conversely, this NPC can be used as the focus point of a multi-session adventure.