Spirit Warrior (d20)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Archetypes Classes d20/OGL

Spirit Warrior (d20)

Pages: 5
Illustrations: 4
Game System: OGL 3.5

The spirit warrior is a primitive hero who can call upon the divine aspects of the animal kingdom and the souls of his ancestors for power. With a quick prayer the spirit warrior becomes infused with the essence of an iconic animal, gaining the wisdom of the owl, the stealth of the leopard, the speed of the wolf, the cunning of the fox, or the might of the bear, for example. In time, the sprit warrior learns to summon the life force of a powerful ancestor and accept it into his body, bolstering his attacks and strengthening his heart. While infused with a spirit, the warrior is resistant to mental influence and even when he is not empowered with a spirit, he still gains several other powers including spell resistance and eventually becomes a spirit himself.

The spirit warrior is a 10-level prestige class for religiously devote soldiers who worship spirits, animals and/or ancestors. Fighters, barbarians and rangers are the most common classes to follow this path.

This product comes with two files, the onscreen version featuring plenty of artwork, and a printer-friendly version, designed to show mercy on your ink cartridge. Pick up this file today and bring some high fantasy heroics to your campaign setting!


"...spirit warriors are among the most respected and feared members of any tribe. The spirit warrior is empowered with the forces of animal spirits and the souls of his ancestors. He can call upon these powerful spirits to aid him in a number of ways. Spirit warriors are also known for their ability to survive in even the most deadly of circumstances, deftly avoiding ambushes, shrugging off physical damage, and even resisting the effects of magic.

Spirit warriors gain the ability to imbue themselves with spirits, which grant them a wide array of special bonuses. Spirit warriors also gain a number of innate abilities such as uncanny dodge, indomitable will and ageless body, representing their progression towards a more pure spiritual state. Ultimately, the spirit warrior becomes an outsider and gains a number of special qualities."

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