Rogue AIs: Construct Friends and Foes

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: bestiary constructs fantasy gm tools monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Rogue AIs: Construct Friends and Foes

Sometimes, a little wacky flavor is necessary to spice up a session. We all know the flavor. The source is never human; for many groups, it's a gnome. The more eclectic, the better! Rogue AIs: Construct Friends and Foes introduces a varied set of construct NPCs with full backstory, motivations, and statblocks should a little clobbering be what the DM ordered.

NPCs included:

Copper Carl and the Mithril Men - A traveling musical group, Copper Carl and the Mithril Men earn money to purchase constructs who want free of their bondage to an organic. Unlike most constructs, Carl and company are charismatic and gregarious, making them an excellent bit of backdrop to an otherwise humdrum town.

Flint and Tinder - Formerly the bodyguards of the elven witch Aurelia, Flint and Tinder now sell themselves out as mercenaries in an effort to acquire the currency needed to pay for a true resurrection spell. (Two guesses what happened to Aurelia.) Flint and Tinder are best used as allies of opportunity, mercenary rivals, or even the hunters should another NPC want the party dead.

The Maker - Formerly one of the favored toys of a great wizard, The Maker is a master fabricator whose settings are stuck to "dagger". Many a small hamlet reports the sudden disappearance of pretty much anything metal lying around town, only to discover a pile of daggers some weeks later. The Maker is best used for giggles or as part of a humorous low level mystery.

Renee Corithas and Mr. Fixit - The dirty secret of an artificer's guild, Renee Corithas is the product of so many broken laws that her very existence is not tolerated back in her homeland. Resurrected by her brother after a terrible accident claimed both her and her father, Renee is forever stuck as a nearly-dead, part-construct, part-undead... thing whose body will never age past twelve years old. Renee is best used as a random ally in the wilderness or as a stalker of the party should she catch wind of them being evil-aligned.

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