Rite Mega Bundle

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing

$52.00 $1,475.00


Tags: 5e 5th Edition Bundle d20 Diceless fantasy Megabundle Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Rite Mega Bundle

Get the Rite Bundle for the Rite Price!

More than 250 pdfs including: Pathfinder RPG, 13th Age, Lords of Gossamer and Shadow (diceless), 5th Edition, and even some Arcana Evolved! Something for everyone! More than $1000 worth of RPG material for only $34.95 and 75% of all profits go to Iris Russell's education fund.
Title Normal Retail
#30 Alchemical Gadgets (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Badges of Faith (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Battle Standards (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Bloodrager Organizations (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Cloaks of Deception (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Cursed Treasures (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Evocative Vehicles (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Firearms of Legacy (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Fleshgrafts $ 2.95
#30 Haunts for Battlefields (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Haunts for Houses $ 2.95
#30 Haunts for Kaidan $ 2.95
#30 Haunts for Objects $ 2.95
#30 Haunts for Ships and Shores $ 2.95
#30 Intelligent Magic Items $ 2.95
#30 Ioun Stones $ 2.95
#30 Magic Tools (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Manuals of Improvement $ 2.95
#30 Mercenary of Companies $ 2.95
#30 More Manuals of Improvement $ 2.95
#30 Not so Mundane Items $ 2.95
#30 Portable Rooms $ 2.95
#30 Rings of Defense $ 2.95
#30 Staves $ 2.95
#30 Traps for Tombs $ 2.95
#30 Unique Magical Blades (PFRPG) $ 2.95
#30 Variant Dragons (PFRPG) $ 2.95
10 Angelic Magic Items (PFRPG) $ 1.49
10 Anti Paladin Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Barbarian Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Dragon Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Inquisitor Feats $ 1.49
10 Kingdom Seeds: Forests (PFRPG) $ 1.49
10 Kingdom Seeds: Hills (PFRPG) $ 1.49
10 Luckbringer Feats $ 1.49
10 Luckbringer Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Oracle Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Paladin Magic Items $ 1.49
10 TaskShaper Feats $ 1.49
10 Witch Magic Items $ 1.49
10 Wizard Magic Items $ 1.49
1001 Spell Cards: 134 Magus Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 0-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 1st Level Spells (5E) $ 5.99
101 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 2nd Level Spells (5E) $ 5.99
101 2nd-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 3rd Level Spells (5E) $ 5.99
101 3rd-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 4th Level Spells (5E) $ 5.99
101 4th-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 5th-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 6th-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 7th-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 8th -Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 9th-Level Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Alternate Racial Traits (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Barbarian Feats (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Bard Feats(PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Combat Feats (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Feats and Talents (13th Age Compatible) $ 5.99
101 Hazards and Disasters (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Legendary Curses (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Magical Armor and Shield Properties (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Magical Weapon Properties (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Magus Feats (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Malevolent Magic Items (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Monster Feats (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Mystical Site Qualities (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 New Skill Uses (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Not So Random Encounters: Forest Kingdom (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Not So Random Encounters: Urban (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Not So Random Encounters: Winter (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Not So Simple Monster Templates (13th Age Compatible) $ 5.99
101 Not So Simple Monster Templates (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 NPC Boons $ 5.99
101 NPC Grudges $ 5.99
101 Pirates and Privateer Traits (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Renegade Class Feats (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Shadow and Darkness Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Simple Archetypes (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Special Materials and Power Components (pfrpg) $ 5.99
101 Swamp Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Urban Spells (PFRPG) $ 5.99
101 Variant Monsters (PFRPG) $ 5.99
20 Variant Foes: Red Dragons $ 5.99
20 Variant Foes: Worgs and Winter Wolves (PFRPG) $ 5.99
5th Edition Module: Fire & Ice (5E)-PDF/Print $ 4.99
A Fly in the Ointment (Fate) $ 3.99
A Witch's Choice $ 9.99
Addendum: Blessings & Curses (Diceless) $ 2.96
Addendum: Empathy (Diceless) $ 3.99
Addendum: Shape Shifting (Diceless) $ 4.99
Agate Companion (PFRPG) $ 1.26
Amnesia (Fate) $ 5.99
Archetypes of Jade Oath $ 4.99
Bakemono $ 1.99
Book of Icons (13th Age Compatible) $ 7.99
Book of Monster Templates (PFRPG) $ 12.99
Convergent Paths: Clerics of the Cloth (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Convergent Paths: Fey Archetypes (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Convergent Paths: Students of Arcanum Archetypes (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Dark Path: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 3 (PFRPG) $ 9.99
Demon Hunter (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Dim Spirit: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 2 $ 9.99
Dungeon World Missing Paths: Alchemist $ 3.99
Dungeon World Missing Paths: Barbarian $ 3.99
Enlightened Scholar (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Ernanda Souza Presents: Halima the Shaman $ 6.99
Evocative City Sites: Barkers Circus and Sideshow (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Bedlum Asylum (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Burial Vaults of House Blackwood (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Clocktower (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Eifflemacher Estates (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Emporium of Collectible Curiosites (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Intimate Shape Festhall (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Lorn's Entreport (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: The Crossroads (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: The Lost Labratory (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: The Next Inn (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: The Rogues Gallery Tavern (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Evocative City Sites: Voells Garden (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk Ahnkar-Kosh The Unstoppable (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Arhanoht, The Iron Gavel (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Baldrous Thrundresen the Roaring Hammer (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Belladonna, the face of Love Unrequited (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Bonetongue, Steward of Dead Dreams (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Brynhild, the shining Valkyrie (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Dread Captain Miraxa, Queen Corsair of Slumbering Sea (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Elspeth Black, Executive Officer of Blackblade (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Gosbeck Vaultwright, Meister of the Golden Anvil (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Jubul D'trin, The fools champion (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Kahrvrass Fleymbrow, Smith of Burning Desire(PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Khufusiris, the Crooked Sleuth of Unfeathered Sin (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Le Loup Solitaire (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Magnus Thrax, Sculptor of War(PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Nameless Nil, the Beggar of Self (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Nix Ra Bael, Dreamkiller (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Perfect Aneshka, Fates immaculate Blade(PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Po' Kesteros the Lostling (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Primus Gearheart, the Clockwork King(PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Smiles Under the Bed (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: The Dark Lady Niyante, Mistress of Venom(PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: The Ghost Light that Dreamed (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: The Mad Wench Maelgatryx (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Ur Shogga (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Vhulgus Sangrevorro The endless dandy (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Viscount Zanzig (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Xoti, The Usurper (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Yog'vhus'Chull Harbinger of the Deepening Void (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Z.Z. Grimshanks, The Knave of Sharp Seconds $ 2.95
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Zara, the girl who died Dreaming (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Feats 101 (PFRPG) $ 5.99
Frozen Wind (PFRPG) $ 1.49
Gateway Pass Adventure Path Part 1: Brighton Road $ 9.99
Gossamer Heroes (Diceless) $ 2.99
Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless) $ 24.99
Gossamer Worlds: Aethersaur Island (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Brokeworld (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Dragonhearth (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Empyrea (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: GlimmerGloam (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Hollow Thune (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Incursion Earth 626 (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: INK (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Megacities of Neo Neo (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Ossuary Empire (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Planet Fiction $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Poetica Mundi (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Poseidon's Rapture (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Ring of Fire (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Stratospheria (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Tetsujin Shogunate (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: The Black (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: The Nightmare Kingdom (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: The Otherlands (Diceless) $ 1.49
Gossamer Worlds: Verse Arcanum (Diceless) $ 1.49
Haiku of Horror: Autumn Moon Bath House $ 5.99
In The Company of Angels (PFRPG) $ 5.99
In The Company of Dragons (5E) $ 5.99
In the Company of Dragons(PFRPG) $ 5.99
In the Company of Fey (PFRPG) A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class $ 5.99
IN the Company of Gargoyles (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the company of Gelantinous Cubes (PFRPG) $ 5.99
In The Company of Giants: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In The Company of Henge: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In The Company of Kappa: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the Company of Lurkers (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the Company of Medusa (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the Company of Minotaurs (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the Company of Monsters (PFRPG) $ 5.99
In The Company of Tengu: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG) $ 4.99
In the Company of Treants (PFRPG) $ 5.99
In The Company of Unicorns (PFRPG) $ 5.99
Infernal Romance at Moon Temple (AE) $ 7.49
Infernal Romance Moon Temple (PFRPG) $ 7.49
Ironborn of Questhaven (PFRPG) $ 3.96
Item Evolved: Oaths $ 1.99
Items Evolved Rituals $ 1.99
Items Evolved: Conflicts $ 1.99
Items Evolved: Races & Classes $ 1.99
Kaiju Codex(PFRPG) $ 9.99
Kusa of the Jade Oath (PFRPG) $ 3.95
Litorians $ 7.49
Lucien's Guide to the Grand Stair (Diceless) $ 4.99
Lucien's Guide: Legends & Lies (Diceless) $ 4.99
Lucien's Guide: The Black Files (Diceless) $ 4.99
Mapped Encounters Saber Toothed Tiger (PFRPG) $ 6.99
Monk Archetypes (PFRPG) $ 4.99
Monster Templates: Headless Horsemen $ 4.99
Monsters of Taboo: Taker of the Unicorn $ 0.99
Monsters of Verdune $ 1.99
Mythical Monstrosities $ 5.99
Pieces of Fate: Drop Bears and Ursanauts (FATE) $ 1.49
Pieces of Fate: Wyvern Coops & Easter Dragons (FATE) $ 1.49
Players Guide to Rituals of Choice $   -  
Restless Souls $ 3.95
Rite Map Pack: Ocean Cave $ 2.95
Rite Map Pack: Rive Isle $ 2.95
Rite Map Pack: River Rapids $ 2.95
Ruined Gate (PFRPG) $ 2.95
Sutra Magic (PFRPG) $ 2.95
The Breaking of Forstor Nagar(13th age) $ 9.99
The Breaking of Forstor Nagar(5e) $ 9.99
The Breaking of Forstor Nagar(PFRPG) $ 9.99
The Gift: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 1 (PFRPG) $ 9.99
The Hero's Bastard (PFRPG) $ 2.96
The Living Airship (AETLA) $ 7.99
The Living Airship (PFRPG) $ 7.99
The Secrets of Adventuirng (PFRPG) $ 17.49
The Secrets of Divine Channeling (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of Forgotten Magic Items (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of Martial Mastery (PFRPG) $ 3.95
The secrets of Renegade Archetypes (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The secrets of Renegade Archetypes 2 (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of Tactical Achetypes (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of Tactical Achetypes 2 (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Bravo (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Divine: Adventure, Earth, Magic and Water $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Divine: Death, Justice, Healing, & Madness (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Divine: Pantheon, Love, Sky, and Wright $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Gunslinger $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Inquisitor $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Iron Titan $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Luckbringer $ 2.95
The Secrets of the Magus $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Metadventurer (PFRPG) $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Oracle $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Taskshaper (13th Age Compatible) $ 5.99
The Secrets of the Taskshaper (PFRPG) $ 2.95
To Kill or Not To Kill $ 9.99
Up From Darkness (PFRPG) $ 4.99
Veiled Denizens $ 4.99
Way of the Samurai (PFRPG) $ 4.99
Way of the Yakuza (PFRPG) $ 4.99
Wyrd of Questhaven $ 3.96
Total $ 1,131.69
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