Primal Heroes: The Sentinel

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Archetypes Classes d20 d20/OGL Fantasy

Primal Heroes: The Sentinel

Primal Heroes: The Savage

Page Count:
System: OGL Fantasy
Stone Age Fantasy

Say Goodbye to Barbarian Prestige Classes Forever!

Are you tired of every Barbarian having Uncanny Dodge and Fast Movement? Do you wish you could drop the Barbarian's Rage ability for something else? Perhaps Frenzied Fighting or a heroic Last Stand is more to your savage tastes? Are you sick of waiting until "next level" to qualify for a silly prestige class just so you can have a particular ability?

The Savage is a new core class for fantasy d20 games that uses an innovative progression system, similar to the d20 modern talent tree system. This advancement system allows for ultimate customization of your character beginning at 1st level. With 85 unique special abilities and a list of another 55 feats that can serve as special abilities, you will wonder how you ever played d20 without a system like this. Choose from 140 different feats and abilities like Giant Weapon Proficiency, Charging Assault, Uncanny Courage, Diehard, Spear Chucking, Furious Strike, Frenzied Fighting, and many others to create the barbaric warlord of your dreams. With this supplement you can create a traditional barbarian, you can switch out a few of his abilities, or you can even switch all his special abilities out for others. Become more animalistic or courageous with abilities like Wild at Heart and Animal Kingdom. Use your Charisma to intimidate your foes and encourage your allies with abilities like Terrifying Rage and Uncanny Courage. Become closer to nature and improve your hunting skills with the Favored Terrain, Environmental Attack, and Stalker abilities. These and more than 100 other innovative and well balanced special abilities are available in this supplement to help you craft any barbaric character concept you might have without ever taking a prestige class again! 

Start Customizing Your Barbarian at 1st Level With the Savage!

This supplement comes in two formats. The onscreen version fully embraces the advantages of electronic publishing and features plenty of color, artwork, internal and external hyper-links, and other features to facilitate onscreen viewing. A printable version of these rules is also included in the download. The printable version has no artwork or fancy layout design. It is raw text in 12 point font, designed to be merciful on your ink cartridge.

Within this File

*140 feats and abilities

*12 illustrations

*Advancement tables 

*Endless possibilities!

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