Primal Heroes: The Magus

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Archetypes Classes d20 d20/OGL

Primal Heroes: The Magus

Primal Heroes: The Magus


Page Count: 104
System: OGL Fantasy
Stone Age Fantasy

Say Goodbye to Wizard Prestige Classes Forever!

Do you wish you could switch your wizard's animal familiar for some other ability? Instead of Scribe Scroll, would you rather have an Unholy Aura? Does your vision of the ultimate necromancer involve controlling large numbers of undead, a life stealing touch, and a powerful connection to the negative energy plane? Or were you thinking more along the lines of transforming into a ghoulish, rotting corpse with a sickening stench and spell resistance? Perhaps you'd like to mix a little of both concepts? Or maybe you would rather play a conjurer with an aura of warped energy and enhanced minions? Or would you prefer an alchemist with poison use, vital strike, and the ability to turn Fey creatures? Or maybe you would like to play a classic, high fantasy spell slinger with plenty of extra spells per day? Or perhaps you would prefer a "magician" with no real spells at all? Perhaps you would like to play an assassin trained in an exotic fighting style that combines martial arts and shadow magic? 

The Magus is a new core class for fantasy D20 games that uses an innovative progression system, allowing for ultimate customization of your character beginning at 1st level. Choose from 164 different powers like Arcane Knack, Black Hearted, Aura of Despair, Shadow Jump, and many others to create the spell wielding hero of your dreams. With the vast array of options available in this supplement, you can craft a warlock, a sorcerer, an academician, a necromancer, a conjurer, an illusionist, or any other concept you might have. A hedge wizard without any actual spells but several spell-like abilities instead, a cunning mastermind with bonuses to his chances to charm and dominate people, a duplicitous con-artist masquerading as a savior and hero, a master of an undead horde, a dimension traveling scientist with a strange power over dragons; all these and more than 160 other innovative and well balanced powers are available in this supplement to help you craft any wizard character concept you might have without ever taking a prestige class, advanced class, or archetype again!

Start Customizing Your Wizard (or Sorcerer) at 1st Level With the Magus!

 Within This File

*164 arcane powers

*Advancement tables 

*34 spells

*2 formats (onscreen and printer friendly)

*Clean and Unclean spell lists (1st -9th level)

*Endless possibilities!

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