Mythic Mastery - Mythic Succubus

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: bestiary Enemies fantasy monsters Mythic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Mythic Mastery - Mythic Succubus

Let Yourself Be Tempted

In many ways the most insidious of demons, succubi (and their male counterparts, incubi) can almost pass for mortals in their natural form, and often lurk among them in disguise in order to sow temptation and evil everywhere that they go. But among these insidious creatures, there are some that are more accomplished, more powerful, and more mythic than their lesser kin. Mythic succubi and incubi wield powers that their more common cousins can only dream of, and can be the ruin of entire kingdoms or worlds if left unchecked. This book examines both of these terrible fiends mythic succubi and incubi alike and provides everything you need to include them in your game.

In addition to game statistics for both a mythic succubus and a mythic incubus (based on the incubus from the Bestiary 3), each with brand new, never-before-seen mythic powers and abilities, this book also provides ecologies for these abyssal paragons of corruption. Finally, the book includes detailed rules for performing special rituals that can be enacted by players of any class in order to summon a mythic succubus or incubus, which come with both specific game rules for doing so, and detailed, flavorful descriptions.

The Mythic Mastery series of products builds and expands on the rules for mythic characters introduced in Mythic Adventures. Each Mythic Mastery provides new content and rules for mythic games, with a focus on a single theme or area of play. While some of the content provided in Mythic Mastery products requires the use of mythic characters and a mythic adventure, others, such as those focused on exploring mythic monsters, can be used in games of every sort.

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