Hypercorps 2099: Netjacker Base Class
Legendary Games
Hypercorps 2099: Netjacker Base Class
Hypercorps 2099: Netjacker Base Class
The Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter is funding right now and you can see what the cyberpunk superhero modification to your Pathfinder game has to offer in the suite of free PDFs launching with the project!
Netjackers are the elite hackers of Hypercorps 2099—adept at traversing the digital byways of the Hypernet, shredding air real time on a hoverboard, or taking on gigs against hypercorporations with nothing but their wits and a handful of drones!
In this 10 page PDF you’ll find the entirety of the netjacker base class, including:
- Several models of proxies and drones
- Hacking talents and advanced hacking talents
- The Use Technology skill
- Everything you need to build your master of the digital world for a game in Hypercorps 2099!
Check out Endzeitgeist's 5-star review on his site and download this FREE product today, then get over to our Kickstarter page and check it out!