Handguns of WWII

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: d20 Modern Modern

Handguns of WWII


System: D20 Modern/Pathfinder
Genre: World War II/Early 20th century
Interior Illustrations: 29
Onscreen Page Count (Including cover and OGL):17
Printer-Friendly Page Count (Including title and OGL):14

This file covers 32 common and uncommon handguns of the early 20th century.

While these rules were developed with the Pathfinder Role Playing Game System in mind, they are also compatible with D20 Modern and our previous 1948 titles and they are suitable for use with nearly any modern game.


With this file you get:

  • New traits for firearms such as durable design and knockdown.
  • Improved rules for misfires and repairing firearms.
  • Expanded rules for handling weapon recoil
  • Quantified and realistic differences between autoloaders and revolvers
  • 28 great illustrations!
  • Game stats for many well known handguns such as the Beretta, the Luger, and the 357 Magnum
  • Several rare handguns including the Vis and the 45 caliber Mauser.
  • Some lesser known handguns with interesting traits, such as the Stop and the Ruby


-Everything you need to bring a new level of realism and excitement to your early 20th century adventure!


Only $1.49!