Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons

by Echelon Game Design

Echelon Game Design



Tags: best of GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons

Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons

The gods create the world... and you create the gods.

Whether you need only a small pantheon with a few deities, or a larger pantheon with dozens of deities, Polyhedral Pantheons gives you tools to make pantheon creation easy. This book also contains three pantheons and over seventy deities as examples you can use in your game.

  • The Shu-shi Pantheon, venerated by Chinese halflings who seek a life of peace and serenity.
  • The Goblin Pantheon, propitiated by goblins who live hard lives defined by isolation, destruction, and madness.
  • The Elemental Tetratheon, shared by a four nations and divided by element.

This product includes Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons Worksheets as a second PDF.

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