Dept. 7 Technology Update: Nano-Robotic PANs
Skortched Urf' Studios
Dept. 7 Technology Update: Nano-Robotic PANs
The latest release in our Dept. 7 Technology Update line covers various Nano-Robotic Personal Area Networks(PANs)for your d20 Modern or Future game. This six page PDF Covers several different Nano-robotic PAN enhancements from PL5 up through PL7; from the strenght-enhancing Nakobot system produced by the Nakamura Robotics Company, to the Biostability System created by rival Shelton Consumer Robotics and Dorian Electronics Invisoskin System. Rules for these sytems and more are detailed, as well as a short history of the various Nano-Tech companies and several plot ideas to integrate into your campaign. Isn't it time you upgraded your character? Written by Eric karnes. Artwork by Anthony Cournoyer.