Class Expansions - Monk Style Feats

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: classes fantasy feats monk Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

Class Expansions - Monk Style Feats

Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.

Following in this vein, Class Expansions - Monk Style Feats introduces five new chains of style feats that add more functionality to the monk, or perhaps the rather determined high-level fighter.

Bat: Difficult, if not impossible to mislead, the style of the bat seeks to emulate the bat's resistance to debilitation, as well as its own aptitude at debilitating its enemies.

Bumblebee: Difficult to hurt save on its own terms, the bubblebee is a staunch defender of its own, ready to sacrifice itself for the good of the whole. The style of the bumblebee focuses on defense combined with wild offense that leaves the practitioner wide open.

Dervish: A riot of limbs and movement, those practitioners of the style of the dervish have the ability to turn a room of seasoned knights into a room of scattered weapons and humiliated knights in a matter of moments.

Monarch: Frail, yet agile, the monarch butterfly protects itself using highly unconventional means. Though not emulating its frailty, the graceful ingenuity of the creature is embodied in the monarch style.

Whirlwind: What the whirlwind lacks in its ability to precisely direct power, it more than makes up for in the sheer abundance of it. Followers of the whirlwind style learn to move quickly enough to send ranged projectiles flying en masse should they even dare approach.

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