Class Expansions - Barbarian Rage Powers

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: barbarian class options fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Class Expansions - Barbarian Rage Powers

Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.

Following in this vein, Class Expansions - Barbarian Rage Powers introduces, funny how this works, twenty-one new rage powers.

Think of these descriptions as fortune cookies, but use "...while raging" instead of " bed".

  • Aligned Fury Your attacks carry your alignment.
  • Bone-Hewing Strike As a standard action, hew bone and stagger a foe.
  • Burning Hatred If dealt enough damage by a single blow, your next round of raging is free... if you attack whoever hit you that hard.
  • Burning Hatred, Greater If dealt enough damage by a single enemy, your next round of raging is free... if you attack whoever hit you that hard.
  • Crushing Blows You treat your base attack bonus as 2 higher for the purpose of Power Attack.
  • Crushing Blows, Greater As Crushing Blows, but 4 instead.
  • Extraplanar Embodiment Gain a bonus to your DR, but the type changes from / - to one based on your alignment.
  • Fearful Display Intimidate everyone in a radius around you.
  • Fury Made Placid You gain a bonus to saving throws while using your moment of clarity rage power.
  • Grip with the Teeth Hold onto ladders, ropes, walls, and the like with your teeth so you can use that greataxe midclimb.
  • Inexorable Advance Treat difficult terrain as standard terrain.
  • Lingering Fear You don't always demoralize, but when you do, the shaken effect lasts 1 round longer.
  • Momentum Charge Leap into a charge, gaining a bonus to hit based on your Acrobatics skill.
  • Reprieve from Rage Moment of clarity can be used for any number of consecutive rounds.
  • Schadenfreude For one round per day, gain a temporary hit point whenever a creature is damaged.
  • Spellsiphon Retroactively take a "1" on a saving throw against a spell to be the sole target of the entire spell.
  • Swim through Anything Swim through anything remotely liquid and substitute your Swim check for other checks used to escape the clutches of remotely liquid hazards.
  • Uncultured Savage Resistance to art, culture, and literature-themed spells.
  • Unexpected Retaliation Throw your melee weapon at a ranged attacker as an immediate action.
  • Unyielding Passion The Diehard feat becomes Diehard-er.
  • Vital Blood +2 bonus to saves against sleep effects. +2 morale bonus to damage for 1 round whenever one is resisted.
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